Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Exit Strategy

Well sport fan (and you know who I mean), the end is near. What started as a fluke and a bit of fun has moved readers at geologic speed into a dialogue about things that are silly, bad, and good about sports in our time. Alas, except for you dear reader, the bait was not taken. Is fishing a sport or a North American version of meditation?

The Houston Chicago World Series is a huge disappointment for Fox Network. Best outcome is always an east coast verses west coast team. The two biggest markets (LA NY) is a broadcaster dream. High interest markets and sheer population numbers mean more money from advertising revenues. Chicago is no longer the second city, LA is. Chicago ranks 3rd, followed by Houston. Some would say this is a second tier World Series. Certainly true among those that set advertising rates. Real fans will watch, read, and talk during this run-up. They’ll form new alliances, find a new favorite, and most of all enjoy the games. There has been high drama in the first 2 games between these likeable teams. Well, maybe Pierzinski isn’t that likeable.

The column tried to provide a national perspective in our regional context. We’ve all ended up living here by birth, habit, fluke or choice. Newspapers like The Express provide us with news of the region, state, and in the case of Off Base columns a wide context for facts, opinion and news. It has not gone unnoticed that Bill O’Riely columns also appear here. We don’t compete, except for value. Base doesn’t have a big head, so would generally not be considered in the same division as Bill. Base admits to spinning.

Finding ways to make this interesting to readers is difficult. Being outside any baseball market might mean there are few baseball fans to read these missives (even though they’re not all about baseball). Base has provided numerous venues for readers to respond and participate, albeit digital. The Blog is located at the web site and of course the infamous email address at the end of each column. A blog is a web site that allows readers to further the dialog and contribute their ideas to the stories. It’s a form of citizen journalism. Base had even dreamt of guest columnists developing through the interactive threads. Note to editor!

This World Series, and the run-up, has been full of magical, heroic, and controversial moments. It has been spun every which way except for the “Black Sox” episode (1919 World Series game fixing). Aside from a few officiating mistakes by the umpires, the games have been fun, close and very engaging. There is a good mix of personal stories about veterans at the end of their careers and young rising stars. One team has never been to the World Series and the other a perennial also ran. Even the most marginal fan will find something to latch onto.

Base has decided to take himself out of the weekly line-up. Being a critic is difficult in a void (of feedback). The journalistic experience has been personally rewarding. Using homemade press credentials to gain access to the clubhouse and dugout in Oaxaca Mexico was a high point. Man on a mission, but without the nod from The Vernal Express (TVE) it would not have been possible.

A less formal (and shorter, more opinionated) version of Off Base will be posted to the Off Base Blog on an irregular basis. When Base is moved by an idea worthy of a column during the dry (winter baseball) season, or just annoyed, he will submit for publication here in TVE. Sports curmudgeons are encouraged to post to the blog, or even compete for the column space void created by the self-imposed exile.

So, to you my dear reader a challenge: If the hit counter reaches 50 I will consider it a vote of confidence and get back to rakish critical comment and digging for obscure connections in the nexus of professional sport.

Snow during (if) game 7 at

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